Nanatsu no Taizai: Britannia Rising

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Nanatsu no Taizai: Britannia Rising

An AU Nanatsu no Taizai forum!

    IV. Skill Guidelines


    Name : Great Britain
    Rank : Country
    Title : Island
    EXP : 38834
    Posts : 163

    IV. Skill Guidelines Empty IV. Skill Guidelines

    Post by Britannia Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:56 pm

    General Information

    • After Preapproval you reply to your application with the Skills you want to buy.

    • Skills are enhancements of your character. They are abilities a person inherently possesses or has acquired over time.

    • Skills especially determine the capability of your fighting style. Are you a simple brute or a skilled martial artist who fights tactically against his enemies? There are many possibilities.

    • To have a specific and enhanced fighting style, you will need the corresponding Level in Skills. If you have a super complex martial arts fighting style but not the corresponding Skill Level in Hand to Hand, you simply can't use your super complex fighting style. That goes for most anything.

    • All Skills have 3 levels, some 4, and each level must be bought with Exp.

    • In character creation, you do not need to buy Level 1 or Level 2 if you want to directly claim Level 3.

    • To acquire Skills during rp through investing Exp, you will have to move through the Levels though.

    • Level 1 Cost: 100 Exp.
      Level 2 Cost: 500 Exp
      Level 3 Cost: 1000 Exp
      Level 4 Cost: 2500 Exp.

    Last edited by Britannia on Sun Oct 12, 2014 1:13 am; edited 6 times in total

    Name : Great Britain
    Rank : Country
    Title : Island
    EXP : 38834
    Posts : 163

    IV. Skill Guidelines Empty Attribute Skills

    Post by Britannia Mon Apr 14, 2014 6:11 pm

    Skill: Strength Enhancement
    Lv 1: A minor increase in strength
    Lv 2: A major increase in strength
    Lv 3: A massive increase in strength

    Skill: Speed Enhancement
    Lv 1: A minor increase in speed
    Lv 2: A major increase in speed
    Lv 3: A massive increase in speed

    Skill: Damage Resistance
    Lv 1: A minor increase in damage resistance
    Lv 2: A major increase in damage resistance
    Lv 3: A massive increase in damage resistance

    Skill: Pain Resistance
    Lv 1: A minor increase in pain resistance. You can ignore most pain from wounds
    Lv 2: A major increase in pain resistance. You can resist strong pain from wounds and injuries
    Lv 3: A massive increase in pain resistance. You can resist pain from heavy damage and nearly fatal injuries

    Skill: Damage Recovery
    Lv 1: Your recovery rate is faster than that of others of your rank
    Lv 2: Your recovery rate is much faster than that of others of your rank, nearly 10 fold
    Lv 3: Your recovery rate is extremely fast compared to others of your rank, nearly 20 fold.

    Last edited by Britannia on Mon Apr 14, 2014 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Name : Great Britain
    Rank : Country
    Title : Island
    EXP : 38834
    Posts : 163

    IV. Skill Guidelines Empty Combat Skills

    Post by Britannia Mon Apr 14, 2014 6:16 pm

    Skill: Weapon Mastery – Having a specific fighting style mastered can even increase attributes and allow for exponentially stronger fighting
    Lv 1: You are adept at using weaponry and whatever fighting style you have with them.
    Lv 2: You are an expert at using weaponry and whatever fighting style you have with them.
    Lv 3: You are a master at using weaponry and whatever fighting style you have with them.
    Lv 4: You are legendary at using weaponry and whatever fighting style you have with them.

    Skill: Hand to Hand – Having a specific fighting style mastered can even increase attributes and allow for exponentially stronger fighting
    Lv 1: You are adept at fighting hand to hand and whatever fighting style you have
    Lv 2: You are an expert at fighting hand to hand and whatever fighting style you have
    Lv 3: You are a master at fighting hand to hand and whatever fighting style you have
    Lv 4: You are legendary at fighting hand to hand and whatever fighting style you have

    Skill: Stealth – This skill does not enable you to be invisible during combat. Simply quieter. It also enables you to track those who have not yet noticed you.
    Lv 1: You are adept at hiding yourself, remaining undetected and moving quietly
    Lv 2: You are an expert at hiding yourself, remaining undetected and moving quietly
    Lv 3: You are a master at hiding yourself, remaining undetected and moving quietly. You can vanish into crowds, appear seemingly out of nowhere and your steps are only audible to those stronger than you or skilled enough to keep up with you
    Lv 4: You are legendary at hiding yourself, remaining undetected and moving quietly. Only those stronger than you can truly detect you. (at least 3 ranks above)

    Skill: Mapping – This basically gives you the ability to create a 360° image of the surroundings in your mind.
    Lv 1: You are adept at reading your surroundings and environment closely. You can track down those adept at hiding themselves.
    Lv 2: You are an expert at reading your surroundings and environment closely. You can track down those who are experts at hiding themselves.
    Lv 3: You are a master at reading your surroundings and environment closely. You can track down those who are masters at hiding themselves.

    Skill: Healing – This does not give magical powers, but knowledge about the scientific methods of healing.
    Lv 1: You are adept at healing and applying medicine. You can heal most injuries and common diseases.
    Lv 2: You are an expert at healing and applying medicine. You can treat almost any injuries and known diseases.
    Lv 3: You are a master at healing and applying medicine. Your knowledge is great enough for you to improvise against unknown diseases or complicated injuries.

    Skill: Wizardry - Humans only!
    Lv 1: You are enabled the use of Enchantments up to Apprentice Rank
    Lv 2: You are enabled the use of Enchantments up to Experienced Rank
    Lv 3: You are enabled the use of Enchantments up to Legendary Rank
    Lv 4: Fairies with the human ability can not achieve this Level. It enables the usage of Magic Power similar to Fairies.

    Skill: Human Transformation - Fairies only! When a Fairy takes up a Human body they lose any Magic Power they had as well as the ability to levitate. Instead, they gain physical proficiency and a Level of strength equivalent to their Rank as well as the ability to utilize Enchantments of any Rank. (Enchantments have to be bought additionally)
    Lv 1: You are able to turn into a Human for the course of 10 posts. Only usable every 2 threads.
    Lv 2: You are able to turn into a Human over the course of 20 posts. Only usable every 2 threads.
    Lv 3: You are able to turn into a Human for a full thread. Only usable every 2 threads.
    Lv 4: You are able to presume a Human form for as long as you like, as much as you like.

    Last edited by Britannia on Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:56 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Name : Great Britain
    Rank : Country
    Title : Island
    EXP : 38834
    Posts : 163

    IV. Skill Guidelines Empty Mental Skills

    Post by Britannia Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:14 pm

    Skill: Power Suppression
    Lv 1: You are adept at hiding your Power. Only those above you in strength or skilled enough can actually read your power despite hiding it.
    Lv 2: You are an expert at hiding your Power. Only those way above you in strength or skilled enough can actually read your power despite hiding it.
    Lv 3: You are a master at hiding your Power. Only the strongest or those skilled enough can actually read your power despite hiding it.
    Lv 4: You are legendary at hiding your Power. It is near unreadable, and even then only barely by the very strongest.

    Skill: Power Sensory
    Lv 1: You are adept at sensing Power. You can even sense Power that is being adeptly hidden. You can read the general level of Power.
    Lv 2: You are an expert at sensing Power. You can even sense Power that is being expertly hidden. You can also classify Power and discern its nature.
    Lv 3: You are a master at sensing Power. You can even sense Power that is being masterfully hidden. You can precisely determine Powers as well as the nature of it.

    Skill: Illusion Resistance
    Lv 1: You are adept at telling illusion apart from reality
    Lv 2: You are an expert at telling illusion apart from reality
    Lv 3: You are a master at telling illusion apart from reality

    Skill: Battle Readiness
    Lv 1: You are battle ready and aware at most times. Adept surprise attacks can't surprise you.
    Lv 2: You are battle ready and aware at almost all waking hours. Expertly executed surprise attacks can't surprise you.
    Lv 3: You are battle read and half-aware even at sleep, ready to fight as soon as torn out of sleep. Even masterfully executed surprise attacks can't surprise you.

    Skill: Multitasking
    Lv 1: You can process multiple things at once
    Lv 2: You can expertly process most things around you at the same time
    Lv 3: You can masterfully process all things around you at all times

    Name : Great Britain
    Rank : Country
    Title : Island
    EXP : 38834
    Posts : 163

    IV. Skill Guidelines Empty Skill Template

    Post by Britannia Mon Apr 14, 2014 9:14 pm

    This list can be expanded or contracted depending on how many Skills you have or want.

    [font=Trebuchet][u][size=18]Skill Template : [Insert total number of Exp you currently have][/size][/u][/font]

    [list][*][Insert Skill] - [Insert desired Skill Level]
    [*][Insert Skill] - [Insert desired Skill Level]
    [*][Insert Skill] - [Insert desired Skill Level]
    [*][Insert Skill] - [Insert desired Skill Level]
    [*][Insert Skill] - [Insert desired Skill Level]
    [*][Insert Skill] - [Insert desired Skill Level]
    [*][Insert Skill] - [Insert desired Skill Level]
    [*][Insert Skill] - [Insert desired Skill Level]


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